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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Still working

This is just to pop in after a while of being off to let you know I am still quilting my daughter's quilt. I'm on the 47th day out of the pledged 365 days of quilting, square number 79 of 180 squares total and about 43 done since I began on Day One of the 365 Day Challenge. No picture today, but maybe tomorrow.

I've slowed down some, quilting something like a half of a square a day. If I can just stop letting myself get sidetracked with word puzzles - which I love! This quilt gets top priority from now on. Well, after the necessities of house keeping, that is.

This is Nurse Sharon speaking: Take the needlework cure.


  1. Sharon, I know what you mean about being sidetracked, but I think it causes one to reenter our craft recharged. It's a slight break. Love both of your blogs.

  2. My girls are working on a quilt for me as a wall hanging. I can't wait to see it and reveal it. God bless you
